Over the years I have taught several courses from introductory biology, to specialized workshops on phylogenetic methods. Recently, I have developped some workshops that are freely available in the links below:
Divergence time estimation using a Bayesian TED approach
In collaboration with Rocío Deanna and Stacey Smith, we developped a workshop that explains the fundamentals of Divergence Time Estimation using a Bayesian Total Evidence Dating approach. This workshop provides the background as well as the code to get started on applying this complex but exciting model on your own dataset. We have offered this workshop at Evolution 2022 and SSB 2023.
Filobayes - Un taller de filogenética bayesiana en RevBayes
Visit this site for a full set of materials to teach Bayesian phylogenetics in Spanish.
Tuve la gran oportunidad de trabajar con Rosana Zenil-Ferguson y Santiago Ramírez-Barahona en un taller de filogenética bayesiana usando RevBayes impartido totalmente en Español. Este taller se impartió durante tres días en Enero del 2025 en el Instituto de Biología, UNAM.